Seasonal contrasts of Prashar lake Mandi

Temples have always been an integral part of Indian society. Since times immemorial, number of temples have been constructed in Indian society and they form the backbone of Indian civilization. There are countless destinations in India which offer intense history portrayed in the form of flawless architecture on the walls of ancient temples. India is home to the astonishing diversity of cultural heritage which drives not only domestic but also foreign tourists to India generating economy for millions of people across the country. Devotees not only from Hinduism but also from Jainism, Buddhism travel to the various religious sites across India exploring the enigma of these flamboyantly splendid temples and exploring the eclectic charm of India(Bharat). The craftsmanship and the intricate work on the walls of temples across India is really awe-inspiring especially on the Elora caves of Maharashtra. Every human being has a different perspective of viewing things some believe in spirituality and peace offered by these places and some explore the fine craftsmanship of our ancestors.

About the place

Prashar lake in spring season
Prashar lake in winters

Prashar is located in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh. This splendid place is known for its 2 jewels (lake and temple with the same name). It lies 48.5 km north of Mandi and at an altitude of 2,730m from sea level and is one of the most famous trekking destination in Himachal Pradesh. This place has got its name from the sage Prashar(father of Vedvyas) who used to meditate here long ago and was constructed by Raja Ban Sen of Mandi early during  13-14th century and is still remembered for his opulent work. The architectural type of this temple is Pagoda style  with slate roof. The flawless architecture of the wooden carving on the walls is an excellent example of some extraordinary craftsmanship and cannot be delineated in words. Next to the temple  lies the Prashar Lake which is believed to have originated when Rishi Prashar used his rod (gurj) next to the temple. This blue water lake is also known for its moving island  which changes its position every time you visit this place and is also a topic for science graduates. The trek to this place will take your breath away. Beauty of the temple, tranquilizing effects of the lake and the scenic beauty will become part of your eternal memories. 

How to reach

Reaching Prashar is not a big task as roads are completely motorable but still for travel junkies number of trekking options are possible. Prashar is at a distance of 49 km from Mandi district and lies on the road connecting Kamand (where IIT Mandi is located) which further connects with the place called Bajaura in Kullu district. But still if you have not got answer to your question that How to reach Prashar? then basically Prashar is accessible from both Mandi as well as Kullu district and its upto your current location which way to choose. Mandi >>>Prashar or the alternate ride can be Kullu>>>Bajaura>>>Kamand>>Prashar. As this place does not exactly fall in the regular route to Manali so only option to visit this place is either drive your own vehicle or hire a taxi.

small floating island in the lake during spring

small island in the lake during winters

small island in the lake during March

What is best time to visit Prashar?

It’s been a short time since I am working as a travel guide but the most common question which surrounds me every time is what is the best time to visit Prashar.The answer to this is that if you want to capture the beauty of snow capped mountains and want to feel the calmness and coldness of air then you need to visit this place during March. I am not recommending January or February because sometimes the heavy snowfall in the region may cut your way back home. If you want to capture the lush greenery or some scenic beauty then you can visit this place during July-August. Being a native of Kullu valley I can suggest that if you really want to capture the enigma of this place leaving behind the seasonal beauty then the best time to visit this place is when Prashar mela is celebrated.
picturesque beauty of Prashar lake

Prashar Mela

Prashar mela is celebrated every year, starting on 14th June and ends on 16th June. Its a religious event which draws not only pilgrims but also tourists from domestic as well as foreign locations. The view of Prashar during the mela is completely different, food stalls and many such recreational stuffs are being setup by the localites. I have first visited this festival in 2011 and believe me the feeling that inspired me for the first time is the same for my sixth visit and that’s the thing which pounds my heart widely. Many more things can be done to make your trip worth remembering like carrying your own tents can be a good option. I cannot guarantee you good sleep but the bonfires and the antakshari will definitely be something that I can guarantee.
snow covered peaks

Some Important Distances

Delhi>>Chandigarh: 245km
Prashar rishi temple


Mountains touching the sky

Tips for the Trip
  • Roads are completely motorable but not in that good condition. So it becomes necessary to have a trained driver rather than showing your own driving skills, which is dangerous.

  • The tents where pitched should be cleaned properly before leaving because it has been my personal experience where I have seen people spoiling the scenic view.

  • Riding on the bikes is also one option which people prefer but the roads during the spring season are muddy and slippery which is obviously not a good sign. So if you are planning a trip on bike then you should be wearing your riding kit.

  • There are number of places nearby which can also be visited if you are a travel fanatic and want to explore the nature. Jalorijot and Shringa Rishi temple can be accessed from Mandi easily.

  • The temperature in Prashar keeps on fluctuating and till night it drops tremendously so if you are planning for the night then come prepared, carrying your zippers and jackets.

  • The place also has Forest as well as PWD guest houses which in order to avail the service should be booked prior to the visit. These guest houses can be booked in Mandi town at the respective offices of PWD and Forest department.

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